Lideta Sub city, wereda 02 House no: 241 adanielmulugeta@gmail.com

School Styled Program - Early Years Program

The Allstar Early Intervention Program aims to help students develop self-help, communication, social-emotional, behavioural, and foundational academic skills to better prepare them to enter a mainstream or inclusive school. 

  • Ages: This program is designed to serve children aged 2 to 7. 
  • Curriculum: Each classroom runs a developmentally appropriate curriculum based on their respective age groups. All the curricula we use are research and evidence-based. Among the programs used within our classrooms are: Strategies for Teaching based on Autism Research (STAR), Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA), Numicon, Teaching Strategies GOLD and many more.  With the help of Allstar qualified staff, every student has an Individual Learning Plan that outlines his/her goals for the year in all or some of the following areas: behaviour, communication and language, social-emotional, motor, self-help, and foundational academics. 



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